It's 9.45 Saturday morning, I've got the house to myself until at least the middle of the afternoon, at last a window of opportunity to make the changes I want to make to my novel, Smugglers at Whistling Sands.
I've been wanting to crack on with it all week, but have had a very busy few days and it's so valuable to have a few hours free and without interruptions. Phone do not ring! (If you do, I may not answer!)
Right, on which note, I'm not going to sit here extending this blog entry any further. I need to be getting on with it. Tonight, the family are going round to some friends in the village who are holding a bonfire party as we remember, remember the Fifth of November. Fingers crossed the weather stays dry.
I will report back on how I got on either tonight or tomorrow, and I hope to be able to report that I have made some real progress. Here goes!