Saturday, April 07, 2012

Has America fallen out of love with my adventure novel?

I ask this dramatic question because my children's adventure novel Smugglers at Whistling Sands has been downloaded from's Kindle store only a total of once since the start of April. Usually, my US sales amount to around half the sales I get on

I have been reasonably pleased with the UK sales I've achieved, although to some of you my figures will seem laughably small. I ran a free promotion on Sunday, April 1 which resulted in 102 downloads on and 62 on .com. Since then I've sold a dozen ebooks at 99p (having put the price up recently from bargain basement 77p).

Certainly, it is disappointing at a time when there is some evidence of me building momentum this side of the pond, to have had just one sale in America so far this month. All the more so, in fact, because I get quite a few American readers of this blog.

I have not suffered fewer UK sales at 99p compared to 77p, indeed they seem to have risen somewhat. The biggest challenge of course, for an unknown, self-published author with his debut novel is being spotted. There are plenty of potential readers of a children's mystery adventure story like mine who would be only too willing to pay a pound or a dollar and a half for my book - thousands probably. They just don't know of its existence yet.

But therein lies good reason for optimism for me and any indie author/publisher who believes they have produced a good novel - when it's discovered it will sell - definitely (well, almost definitely!).

Memo to all Americans out there, please give my book a try, I think you'll like its British charm! Click on the product link to Smugglers at Whistling Sands on the right hand side of this page. Thanking you already!

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